Sofia Rose Bernardi
2 min readMay 21, 2021

When I went on a 10-day meditation retreat I realised something about life that I wish more people were acutely aware of…

Which is, everything is always changing

So why do we hold onto so much attachment?

Why do we crave certain people and outcomes?

Why do we want to be somewhere we are not, or for things to stay exactly as they are?

On the flip side, why do we avoid certain people and situations?

You see what I learnt is, to the extent of which you crave something, or avoid something, is the amount of suffering you will feel

This is why addiction ruins people’s lives. Craving.

The moment we let go of all attachment towards outcomes is the moment we will feel inner peace

When I fully grasped the truth in this, and actually embodied it, my whole world shifted

I stopped chasing the next client, and instead, they started coming to me

I stopped fearing relationships ending, and instead became totally present to embrace the love that’s already there

I stopped hoping, waiting and wishing to be successful, and instead felt grateful for where I am

I stopped holding onto money, and instead gave more which came back to me tenfold

There is so much power in being here, embracing this. Making the most of this

We get so caught up in challenges, fears and doubts and we forget how precious life actually is

I believe it is my mission to inspire others to make the most of their life

It pains me to watch people hate themselves, their life or wish for another one, instead of making the most of what you've got

What you've got is a powerful gift, and if you were to become aware of that, imagine the shifts you could make on this planet

I remind myself every time I'm faced with a challenge that everything is always changing…so there's no point suffering when it will pass.

This too will change. The good times will pass, so make the most of it, and the bad times will pass, so let it go.

I remind myself every time I fall down and I feel like giving up, that I did not come this far, to only come this far. So I get back up and I keep going

My message to you is this. Do not let FEAR and DOUBT stop you from CREATING the life that you DESERVE & DESIRE. You were made for so much more, so go all in and make the most of your life. YOU are worth it.

All my love,

Sofia Rose.

@sofiarosebernardi on Instagram.



Sofia Rose Bernardi

NLP Practitioner & Embodiment Coach For Women