Sofia Rose Bernardi
2 min readDec 7, 2021


Here’s why your not taking action in your business…

I see so many coaches say they want a successful business, only to notice their actions are not in alignment with what they are saying

Here’s the thing…

If you really wanted it, you would find a way

I know this may trigger some of you, but this is the kind of wake up call you need

Think back to a time, maybe even as a child, where you realllllllyyyy wanted something. Like really wanted something.

Didn’t you do almost anything to get it?

Now listen, I have no doubt you want to grow your business, but in order to create a sustainable and profitable business, one you consistently show up in, you are going to want to have a really compelling reason behind it, a reason that is much stronger than the fear and doubt that will come up from time to time.

Because as long as the fear is greater than your why, you will keep getting knocked down.

Here’s what helped me to move from fearful to unstoppable..

  1. I got really clear on my mission. I made it not about me, but about something so much greater than me…
  2. 2. I started working on my mindset DAILY, knowing it’s not what I am doing, but who I am being that is going to support me in growing my business
  3. 3. And I called in support from those who walked before me. I know what the mind is like, and I know that business is not always fun, especially on your own! So now I make sure I am always being coached and mentored by someone who is where I desire to be!

If you want to learn the exact framework that took my biz from frazzled to thriving, then comment below and I can send you some deets

Sofia xx



Sofia Rose Bernardi

NLP Practitioner & Embodiment Coach For Women