Sofia Rose Bernardi
2 min readDec 7, 2021


7 things you may not know about me that has impacted who I am today….

  1. Moving to Denmark at age 16 unexpectedly to get out of a toxic situation
  2. It was extremely challenging to move to the other side of the world to a new culture, country and language and start again with very little. What I learned from this experience was my family’s strength, how important your mindset is and how much your environment can impact you.

2. Moving back to Australia on my own after graduating school

I moved in with my grandparents, with no purpose or clarity on my future…What I learned was you cannot run away from your problems, and moving countries doesn’t solve them haha!

3. Going through a breakup

I leant that loving yourself is key to creating a healthy relationship, knowing who you are and what you are here to do is extremely important, letting go is a journey and that there is a gift behind every challenge.

4. Investing in my first personal development event

Who would have thought that 1 big scary investment could change your life forever…I realised the power of making courageous decisions, how powerful your beliefs are, and that it is always worth it to invest in your own growth

5. Starting an online coaching business

I am so grateful for my business. It has created more opportunities for me than I could have ever imagined. Going from having no purpose most my life to feeling so aligned with my mission now, is one of the most rewarding feelings I’ve experienced. I’ve learned anything is possible if you are willing to go all in.

6. Going on a 10 day mediation retreat

This was an extremely difficult and eye opening experience. I learned how to let go of attachment and avoidance, I learned that everything is always changing and I realised how resilient and powerful I am.

7. Going skydiving

I learned the power of facing your fears and getting outside of your comfort zone. I will never forget my bravery and how alive I felt once I took the leap. I apply this in every area of my life now and it has been incredibly rewarding. JUST DO IT!

What is one life changing experience that has impacted who you are?



Sofia Rose Bernardi

NLP Practitioner & Embodiment Coach For Women