Sofia Rose Bernardi
1 min readDec 7, 2021


2022 is just around the corner..for some this is a wonderful time to reflect, and for others some not so great feelings can come up

Are you proud of your efforts this year?

Are you pleased with your results this year?

Are you happy with the progress you’ve made?

How do you feel when you think of the year ahead? Does a sense of excitement come up for you, or doubt?

There’s nothing worse than feeling like you haven’t made the changes you set out to make. That you’re in the same place you were a 1 year ago.

And unfortunately, it’s very common…It’s easier to wish and hope than it is to actively move towards your big and bold goals…

So much of life is out of out control, and whilst some of things that did or didn’t happen are not our fault, it is still our responsibility to create the necessary changes and results.

It’s on you. And it’s what you do today, that will set you up for tomorrow.

If 2021 wasn’t your year, it’s ok, because you turn that around right now, with just 1 decision. A decision that now is your time, because you are choosing for it to be..Whether that be to start a business, leave a job, invest in support, let go of what no longer serves you…Whatever resonates with you, go all in on that…

The choice is yours. What do you choose?



Sofia Rose Bernardi

NLP Practitioner & Embodiment Coach For Women